The Pigs

Ranging in age from young to seniors, our amazing group of very special pigs enjoy an idyllic life at Happily Ever Esther. Pigs are VERY smart animals who love to root, play, and, of course, eat! They know exactly when it's meal time and love to vocalize their anticipation. Life expectancy for pigs on average is 15 years. Veterinary care for the pigs involves hoof trimming every six weeks, annual vaccinations and regular health exams every six weeks.

Diet: hay, custom-made piggy kibble (plant-based), lots of fruits and vegetables (the amount varies depending on the season and whether the pigs are also grazing in the fields)

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them. 

The Cows

Cows are intelligent animals with an innate sense of curiosity. They have a full range of personality traits that can include boldness, shyness, sociability, excitability, and possess a natural hesitancy towards the unknown.  When feeding Pouty and Sir Denver by hand, they will very carefully approach the fence, slowly stick out their tongues and gently take the food from your hand. The average life expectancy for a cow is 15-20 years. They both receive routine vaccinations and regular health checks.

Diet: pasture grass during warm months, hay all year-round, the occasional cow grain along with fruits and vegetables for treats, and salt and mineral blocks.

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them.

The Birds

The birds at Happily Ever Esther Farm Sanctuary are incredibly curious, funny and happy. Life expectancy is on average 8-10 years for chickens, depending on their breed, and up to 20 years for peacocks. 

Diet: chicken feed, duck feed and peacock feed, plus free access to calcium supplement and grit.

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them.

The Goats

The goats at Happily Ever Esther are incredibly curious, funny and happy. Life expectancy for goats is approximately 15 years. Veterinary care consists of regular health check ups.

Diet: hay, horse pellets, lots of fresh veggies, fruit for a treat, mineral lick . . . and virtually anything they can get a hold of!

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them.

The Donkey and Horse

BJ and Escalade are lifelong companions. They were surrendered to Happily Ever Esther in November 2014 by a couple who could no longer take care of them. BJ and Escalade are inseparable. We believe that Escalade is an American Quarter Horse/Arabian cross. Veterinary care consists of regular health check ups, quarterly hoof trimming by a farrier and semi-annual de-worming.

Diet: hay, horse pellets, lots of fresh veggies, sweet feed, fruit for a treat, salt lick.

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them.

The Sheep

The sheep at HEEFS are very happy and live a life of plenty! Veterinary care consists of annual sheering, regular hoof trimming and periodic health check ups.

Diet: hay, plant-based sheep pellets, fresh vegetables and occasional watermelon.

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them.

The Rabbits

Cooper lives in Dolly’s house with his chicken and turkey friends.. Veterinary care consists of regular health check ups. 

Diet: hay, rabbit pellets, fresh vegetables.

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them.

The Cats

Click on a resident’s image to learn more about them.